Lower blood sugar and relieve Neuropathic pain, Have to be careful that it does not lower it too much, Asthma, lung congestion, Antioxidant Potential, Sleep aide because it lowers levels of anxiety or chronic stress, Eases Digestion, nausea, bloating, flush out excess water, Speeds up the digestive enzymes. Reduce symptoms of leaky gut syndrome, chronic colitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and IBS, Balance Hormones, relieve symptoms of menopause and menstruations. Female tumor or cyst, Improve memory, Heals wounds, Fading stretch marks, Blemishes, tone and ache, Prevents signs of aging, Itchy skin, heals skin, reduce the appearance for scars, Anti-Inflammatory, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, Antiseptic for skin and mouth. Prevents gingivitis, bad breath, cavities, toothaches, mouth sores and other infections, Help destroy Cancers cells, anti-tumor, Lower risk of heart disease, Boost immune System Function and help destroy dangerous bacteria and Viruses, Helps with reducing anxiety and depression